Monday, January 8, 2018

Staying on Site Perks

Hi there Disney friends,

In my last post, I mentioned questions that need to be decided on in reference to staying at Walt Disney World. I wanted to spend some time expanding on these questions. The third question was about staying on site (budget and timing will depend on your personal needs.) Therefore, I wanted to move onto staying on site.

Many people struggle with the costs associated with staying on site at Walt Disney World and wonder if it is worth it. The price may seem high, but there are 6 advantages to staying on site.

1. Convenience--When staying on site, you are able to take advantage of bus and water transportation (also Minnie vans or monorail depending on where you stay) to and from the parks. This saves time and gives you the opportunity to take a break during the day, easily go back to your room and recharge your batteries.
2. Money--Even though the price may seem high for staying on site, there are hidden costs for staying off site. If you drive to the park, you are spending gas. Also, you have to pay to park. Those 2 things together can add up to probably easily over $25/day.
3. Extra Magic Hours--For those staying on site, Disney parks (on a rotating basis) will either open early or stay open late only for those individuals staying on site. (People from off site can stay later, but they will not be able to ride rides.)

4. Fast Passes--If you are staying on site, you are able to make your fastpass choices 60 days prior to your visit to Walt Disney World. When you stay offsite, you can only make these choices 30 days prior.
5. Dining plan--if you stay on site, you are able to purchase a dining plan as part of your trip. This is not an option for those staying off site.
6. Theming--The Disney Resorts all have unique theming that makes your chosen resort more than just a place to sleep, but a place to experience.

Now, I will admit that I am partial to staying on site, but I hope this helps you in your decision.

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