Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Packing for Walt Disney World

Hi Disney friends,

This series of post have been focused on planning for a trip to Walt Disney World. I have not focused on a specific time of year because that will be determined by your needs and more than likely school schedules.

What I want to do here is talk about how I go about planning which clothes to pack for a trip to Walt Disney World. I will admit that I do have one advantage over some of you in that I drive to the park. Many people who live within about 12 hours tend to drive because of the costs associated with flying. The reason I say that I have an advantage is that I do not have to overly rely on limits to the amount of clothes/items that I can pack. Now I still have to take into account that what I pack does have to fit in our vehicle.

The point of this is that I get asked many times about the weather. I will admit that I am a weather nerd and enjoy keeping up with what is going on in the environment. However, I do not start preparing to pack clothes until about 1 week before a trip. At that point, I begin looking at multiple websites and averaging the different temperature and rain forecasts. The reason I wait until about 1 week is that up until that time, the different sites may have vastly different predictions, but about 1 week before a trip, the variances between the sites shrinks dramatically.

Now, for a few points about the weather. It will be hot and humid in the summer. A couple of items to pack for the summer are rain ponchos and sunscreen. Many people will get sunburned in Orlando if they are not prepared. The winter can vary greatly.  This past January, the temperature actually dropped below freezing for one night and was in the 70’s 4 days later so layers are important.

I hope this helps you prepare for packing, which may be one of the most stressful parts of the pre-trip. There are stores nearby in case you forget an item or two and there are shops at all of the resorts, but the less time you spend on items that you can pack ahead of time, the more time you have to do what you want to do. If you need any help or just want to keep up with Disney, please email me at brian.herndon@mousemadesimple.com or visit my google+ page https://plus.google.com/communities/111981664285147051843?sqinv=N3Z0UGZ0cmxwb2dqSEEyOXFiYk9IamVMZGwxdU1n

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